Yume Nikki Map


  • An introductory guide on how to make a fangame.
  • Guides on making horror games, for all of you who want a spooky fangame.
  • Our Fangame Planning sheet, for those of you who want a template to plan on.
  • A Yume Nikki World Generator, if you don’t have any ideas for a new world and need a few more.
  • draw.io, an online flowchart maker. Very helpful for making maps!
  • OneNote, a free notetaking program by Microsoft you can use online, on your desktop, and on your phone.

Jan 10, 2018 Yume Nikki (ゆめにっき) (pronounced /juːme nikki/) is a 32-Bit freeware game created by Kikiyama, a Japanese solo game designer. The game otherwise has no plot, and nearly the entire game is left up to speculation. There are many fan theories on what the game and its events mean. YUME NIKKI Game Guide and Walkthrough by Scutilla Version 1.00 Table of Contents Introduction -About Yume Nikki -About this guide -Story Getting Started -Downloading and installation -Main menu options -Controls -Game Menu -Gameplay -Your room -The dream world -Play hints Effect Descriptions Walkthrough Other Points of Interest Glitches Conclusion -Contributions. Yume Nikki Extended SoundtrackComposed by KikiyamaGame by KikiyamaPlayed in the Block World, one of the original 12 worlds in the Nexus.

An RPG Maker 2003 masterpost for all of those using 2003. Contains a lot of tutorials & resources that can be used for 2000 as well.


  • A sweet list of tips, tricks, and resources for VX Ace users.
  • Understanding Switches, and making effects with them.
  • Nyrator’s Very In-Depth Effects Tutorial. Covers everything you’ve ever wanted to know and more.
  • How to slow down your game’s protagonist at the start of the game, and the pro’s & con’s of going slow.
  • Making a basic Sleep/Wake Event. More on making a sleep/wake event.
  • How to make a knife effect, and a note on the knife effect.
  • Things to keep in mind while making chase scenes.


  • General tips on mapping for fangames.
  • Making your map more animated.
  • Making Endless Looping Paths, Roads, & Stairs.
  • Parallax Mapping for RPG Maker 2003.
  • How to make stairs your protagonist can go up diagonally.
  • Show off your game with GIFcam!


  • How to Make a Madotsuki Recolor - a super in-depth tutorial.
  • How to use character templates in RPG Maker 2003.
  • VX Ace templates, & a guide to VX Ace tilesets.
  • Animating various objets using charasets.
  • A masterpost of free graphics for all versions of RPG Maker.
  • RPG Maker MV tileset templates.
  • A nice tutorial on pixel art for everyone who’s new to it.
  • How to get a Non-Blurry Full Screen for RPG Maker MV.
  • A font to make it easier for players with dyslexia.
  • Yume Nikki Sprites on the Spriter’s Resource.
  • A font to make it easier for players with dyslexia.

Music & Sound

  • Free to use music editors for those who want to make their own music

Opinions and Such

  • Three different people’s suggestions on how to keep a consistent mood in your game. One, two, three.
  • What makes a good Yume Nikki Fangame?
  • What are you tired of seeing in fangames? The post isn’t to discourage you, of course.


  • The encouragement tag.
  • A Program to make your computer’s brightness easier on your eyes.


One of the best ways of learning how to make a fangame is by opening up Yume Nikki and it’s fangames in RPG Maker.

If you’re the nervous type who doesn’t like looking at people’s code without permission, @bleetdev & @ayosu-itsuki have said that they’re cool if you look into their fangames in the editor.

Need more resources? Check out @yumeresource, @misc-rpg, & @pinkuboa (that’s me!) for more post. Rpgmaker.net and the official site have tons of tutorials and other RPG Maker nerds who will help you with any problems you might encounter.

We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
If you'd like to support our preservation efforts (and this wasn't cheap), please consider donating or supporting us on Patreon. Thank you!
< Proto:Yume Nikki‎ | Version 0.06(Redirected from Proto:Yume Nikki/Main Maps)

This is a sub-page of Proto:Yume Nikki/Version 0.06.

Yume Nikki Maps

Most of the maps around Madotsuki's room and the Nexus are the same as they were in v0.04, but there have been a few changes since then.

  • 2Map Differences

Comparison of Map Names

Since v0.04, only the map used for NASU has been added to this set. The names of the maps are unchanged from their counterparts in v0.04, with the exception of the two debug maps.

Yume nikki red maze map
v0.04 (Japanese)v0.04 (Translated)v0.06 (Japanese)v0.06 (Translated)v0.10 (Japanese)v0.10 (Translated)Notes
テストマップ2Test Map 2テストマップ1Test Map 1テストマップ1Test Map 1Main Debug Map. Has been relabeled as the first test map.
階段Stairsテストマップ2Test Map 2N/AN/AStairs Debug Map. Now under Test Map 1's folder.
ゲームスタートGame StartゲームスタートGame StartゲームスタートGame Start
現実「部屋Real 'Room現実「部屋Real 'Room現実の部屋Real RoomMadotsuki's Room in the real world.
ベランダAVeranda AベランダAVeranda AベランダVerandaMadotsuki's Balcony.
ベランダBVeranda BベランダBVeranda BN/AN/A
夢「部屋Dream 'Room夢「部屋Dream 'Room夢の部屋Dream RoomMadotsuki's room in the real world.
夢ベランダADream Veranda A夢ベランダADream Veranda A夢ベランダADream Veranda AMadotsuki's balcony in the dream world.
夢ベランダBDream Veranda B夢ベランダBDream Veranda B夢ベランダBDream Veranda B
扉部屋Door Room扉部屋Door Room扉部屋Door RoomThe Nexus.
1かえる1Frog1かえる1Frog■01かえる■01FrogForest World.
2帽子マフ2HatMuff2帽子マフ2HatMuff■02帽子マフ■02HatMuffBlock World.
3かさ3Umbrella3かさ3Umbrella■03かさ■03UmbrellaPuddle World.
4包丁(BG未)4Kitchen Knife (No BG yet)4包丁(BG未)4Kitchen Knife (No BG yet)■04包丁■04Kitchen KnifeDark World.
5雪女5Yuki Onna5雪女5Yuki Onna■05雪女■05Yuki OnnaSnow World.
6髪型(BG未)6Hair style (No BG yet)6髪型(BG未)6Hair style (No BG yet)■06髪型■06Hair StyleMural World.
7自転車(BG未7Bicycle (No BG yet7自転車(BG未7Bicycle (No BG yet■07自転車■07BicycleGraffiti World.
8目玉腕8Medamaude8目玉腕8Medamaude■08目玉腕■08MedamaudeEyeball World.
9小人/太る9Midget/Fat9小人/太る9Midget/Fat■09小人■09MidgetCandle World.
10猫耳10Cat Ears10猫耳10Cat Ears■10猫耳■10Cat EarsShield-Folk World.
11ネオン(BG未)11Neon (No BG yet)11ネオン(BG未)11Neon (No BG yet)■11ネオン■11NeonNeon World.
12電燈(BG未)12Lamp (No BG yet)12電燈(BG未)12Lamp (No BG yet)■12電燈■12LampThis is still Lamp World in v0.06. Number World would not be added until sometime between v0.07 and v0.09.
N/AN/Aファミゲー1Fami Game 1ファミゲー1Fami Game 1NASU.

Map Differences

Madotsuki's Room

  • The game console is now in front of Madotsuki's TV in the real world, and NASU can be played.
  • The TV can now be turned on in both the real world and dream world.
  • The image displayed on the TV in the dream world is different. This image also exists in v0.10 on the same sprite sheet.
  • The desk chair in the dream world now behaves more similarly to v0.10, where it does not ask if you want to stop riding.
  • The KALIMBA TV Channel event did not exist yet.

The Nexus

  • The background is now the same color as in v0.10.
  • Since all 24 effects are in the game now, the effect eggs in the center have been re-arranged a bit.
v0.04v0.06 - v0.10
White Desert | Yume Nikki Wiki | Fandom

Block World

  • The removed event is in v0.06 too, but the music is now Block World's at a 50% tempo.

Candle World

  • Two gates instead of one: The pink gate takes you to The Docks, and the purple gate leads to Hell.
    • v0.09 replaced the pink gate with the Walking Candles.
  • The NPC that provides the Midget effect now makes two different noises, but one of them has a higher pitch than in v0.10.

The Nexus - Enter The Lined, Purple Door

Neon World

Minecraft Yume Nikki Map

  • The neon monkey floor patterns have been added.
  • The starting positions of the neon creatures have been rearranged.
  • The map is still in the same style as v0.04.

Darkness World Yume Nikki Map

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