Inventory Management System Project In Java Source Code Free Download

This Simple Inventory System project aims at creating an inventory system to track the sales of and transactions of items for a particular industry. It has secured login for users. It shall generate reports based on the choice of users. It could be daily, monthly or quarterly reports. It shall also display the quantity of items sold or the stock left in the warehouse. This Simple Inventory System application shall display a grid view which clearly specifies the date of inventory, the quantity of items sold and stock left and the price of these items. The application shall give a good overview about the inventory for that particular system involved.This project aims at creating an inventory system to track the sales of and transactions of items for a particular industry. It has secured login for users. It shall generate reports based on the choice of users. It could be daily, monthly or quarterly reports. It shall also display the quantity of items sold or the stock left in the warehouse. This application shall display a grid view which clearly specifies the date of inventory, the quantity of items sold and stock left and the price of these items. The application shall give a good overview about the inventory for that particular system involved.

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  2. The following Java project contains the java code java examples used for Inventory Management System in Java. The source code and files included in this project are listed in the project files section, please make sure whether the listed source code meet your needs there.

Existing Simple Inventory System

Inventory Management System Project In Java Source Code Free Download

The existing Simple Inventory System kept track of items manually. All the data was manually written and stored in files. That was a tedious technique to keep track of inventory. It was a difficult task to get all the monthly and quarterly reports. To keep track of all the sales and transactions across different departments was a difficult task for the users.

Proposed Simple Inventory System

This tool shall enable the user to keep track of the inventory without much difficulty. The users shall have secured access to the system. The security is provided through MD5 encryption. The registered user shall login to the system and can check for the inventory of the items. They can check the price, sales of items and the stock currently held. The user also shall be able generate report. It could be daily, monthly or quarterly reports. The admin shall be able to add user and create access privileges to him. The grid view shall list all the products. You can click on the row to enter the quantity sold. There are separate tabs to add product, edit price of products. Through these tabs the user shall be able to manage adding and updating of products. There shall be logout button to exit out of the system.

Simple Inventory System Specifications


User: This module shall have the login details of the User.

Product: This module holds the data related to the product sold. It contains the name, description and the price of the product. It shall also have the quantity of the product left.

Reports: This module shall keep track of all the reports. It can generate daily, monthly and quarterly reports. Human anatomy atlas 7.4.01. Cwm recovery g7102t.

Hardware configuration

  • Processor Pentium III 866 MHz
  • RAM 128 MD
  • Monitor 15 inch color
  • Hard disk 30 GB
  • Floppy drive 1.44 MB
  • CD drive LG 52X
  • Key board Standard 102 keys
  • Mouse

Software configuration

  • Operating system Windows XP Professional
  • Language PHP
  • Back end MYSQL

Technologies used

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • MySQL

Download Project

Simple Inventory System Abstract
Simple Inventory System Source Code

Other Projects to Try:

Stock Management System is a web-based application developed using Java programming language. The main objective of this project is to manage a stock for a company or organization, and take care of sales and purchase of products. This project includes various modules and features to add, edit, view and delete stock-management-related things in the system database.

You can download the complete source code and necessary files of this project from the link below. The project report and documentation are not available for download at the moment; if found, they will be updated in the the download links. The project abstract and features have been briefly introduced below.

Download Stock Management System Java Project


Download Stock Management System Java Projectwith Source Code


Stock Management System Project Abstract:

Existing System:

The existing Stock Management procedure is a manual one which run with pen and paper. It is very time consuming and uneconomical for an organization. Data organization is not effective and efficient in the current system, and there is more risk of data mismanagement.

Proposed System:

To overcome the drawbacks and limitations of the existing system, this Stock Management System software is proposed. It is a more efficient web application developed using Java and HTML. This application is more effective for stock data management; the data is more secured and can be accessed easily.

Modules Overview:

Inventory Management System Project In Java Source Code Free Download 2020

There are various modules and features that make up this project. The system module begins with the login page; here, the admin logs into the system by entering the valid username and password. The admin can control the following features:

  1. Enter stock
  2. View stock
  3. Dispatch stock
  4. Shift stock

The information that can be added into the system are category, customer details, purchase, sales print, stock details, stock entries, stock entries payments, stock sales payments, stock sales, supplier details, UOM, and more. The system also allows the admin to check customer details, sales details, stock details, supplier details, and more.

Inventory Management System Project In Java Source Code free. download full

Stock Management System also includes functions to print payment receipt, and view purchase reports, sales reports, sales stock report. The admin can delete stock entry and stock sales, edit purchase and stock sales.

Through the system, customer details, payments, stock availability, stock details, stock entries payments, stock sales payments, and supplier details can be viewed. Updating can be done on customer details, stock details, stock entries, stock sales and supplier details. Autocad 2007 free download for windows 10.

Also see,
Inventory Management System
Cargo Management System
More Java Projects

Stock Management System Project In Java Source Code Free Download


Inventory Management System Project In Java Source Code Free Download Windows 10

Stock Management System Project is developed as a web-based project to meet the current stock management demands of an company or organization. The system can be accessed from anywhere with the internet. New features and modules can be incorporated into the system as per the user requirements.