Free Download Game Battle Realms Terbaru Full Version Pc Portable

Battle Realms is set in a story-driven fantasy world that centers around the legends and myths of the martial arts, Feudal Japan, and horror stories. The game world is comprised of several strange and legendary factions including samurai, werewolves, ninjas, and geisha warriors. Players will guide the fate of Kenji, heir to the fallen Serpent Empire. Kenji returns to his homeland after a seven-year exile, and must now make a choice whether to subjugate or liberate the feuding land. Standing against him are the untamed Wolf Clan and the malignant Lotus Clan. In addition, the game is set in a world that features a living resource system . How a player manages resources has a direct impact on remaining tactical decisions in the game. The game also features a combat system that uses combat engagement AI. This AI supposedly allows units to react intelligently to terrain, opponent ability and distance in combat situations. In addition some units have the ability to use secondary weapons.

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Download Size: 567 MB

Free Download Game Battle Realms Terbaru Full Version Pc Portable Windows 7

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Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne

Game adu strategi dan taktik dimana kita dituntut untuk membangun sebuah kerajaan dan menghancurkan lawan dengan pasukan yang kita miliki. Semakin banyak prajurit dan semakin tinggi level Hero yang kita miliki akan mempengaruhi kita dalam memenangkan sebuah pertempuran. Dan disini saya menyedia game tersebut dalam bentuk portable, jadi kita perlu repot-repot untuk menginstallnya lagi, kita tinggal mainkan saja setelah file di download. Di dalam portable ini ada 2 versi warcraft, yaitu Reign Of Chaos & Frozen Throne. Penasaran, Download saja di bawah ini :

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Neighbours From Hell

Game yang satu ini memang unik, di sini kita akan menjalankan berbagai trik untuk menjaili si tetangga yang memiliki penyakit darah tinggi , kita sebisa mungkin membuat trik untuk menjebak si tetngga yang pemarah ini dalam waktu secepat mungkin dan usahakan jangan sampai anda terlihat olehnya karena nanti anda akan di injak-injak seperti sandal jepit (hehehe). Nah game ini cocok bagi anda yang memiliki sifat jail & usil, penasaran? Silahkan coba sendiri, dijamin ketawa deh

Free download game battle realms terbaru full version pc portable windows 7

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Free download game battle realms terbaru full version pc portable windows 7

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Free Download Game Battle Realms Terbaru Full Version Pc Portable Games

Battle Realms

Battle Realms is set in a story-driven fantasy world that centers around the legends and myths of the martial arts, Feudal Japan, and horror stories. The game world is comprised of several strange and legendary factions including samurai, werewolves, ninjas, and geisha warriors. Players will guide the fate of Kenji, heir to the fallen Serpent Empire. Kenji returns to his homeland after a seven-year exile, and must now make a choice whether to subjugate or liberate the feuding land. Standing against him are the untamed Wolf Clan and the malignant Lotus Clan. In addition, the game is set in a world that features a living resource system . How a player manages resources has a direct impact on remaining tactical decisions in the game. The game also features a combat system that uses combat engagement AI. This AI supposedly allows units to react intelligently to terrain, opponent ability and distance in combat situations. In addition some units have the ability to use secondary weapons.

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Free Download Game Battle Realms Terbaru Full Version Pc Portable Windows 10

Download Size: 567 MB

Free Download Game Battle Realms Terbaru Full Version Pc Portable Pc

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